Students at “San Pietro Resort” learn in practice the luxury construction in Lalzi Bay

These students are the youngest visitors to the largest resort in the country and the Balkans, “San Pietro Resort.”

They are students of the branch of architecture who have developed a day of learning in practice. They are intimately familiar with the construction cycle, as well as the technology used in this mini-city-sized resort.


These practical classes are a different learning day for architecture students, who got to know all types of construction, such as apartments, villas, as well as the 5-star Melia Resort hotel, but also with the technology used.

The San Pietro complex with an area of ​​350 thousand square meters is already in an advanced stage. But what makes this complex special?

The architects have thought to protect the environment, while the living spaces resist moisture, as well as be as ventilated as possible, since for many customers they are their second home.

These elements have aroused the interest of citizens inside and outside Albania.

Still unfinished, San Peitro Resort has become a destination that is attracting more and more visitors.