MELIA Durrës – Grand Opening, May 2023

The largest hotel in the region “Melia Durrës” officially opened its doors at “San Pietro Resort”, to set a new standard in the tourism sector.

The finalization of a work started five years ago, accompanied by the challenges of the earthquake and the pandemic along the way, was finalized with an inaugural ceremony, in the presence of those who came together to bring this prestigious brand part of the Albanian coast, but also of many other well-known personalities.

For the CEO of the “Concord Investment” group, Artan Dulaku, the completed project speaks for itself, since now all foreign and local tourists can find European-level quality accommodation at “Melia Durrës”. But how did the idea to bring the Spanish brand “Melia” to Albania come about?


“We did a market research and it turned out that Melia is the first in Spain for the number of works, the number of beds and distribution throughout the globe. We thought it was advantageous to collaborate with the best of what the European arena has to offer. Throughout the construction process there was a very close collaboration between our team, EDIL AL and Concord and the Melia group.

It was the vision of Melia’s leadership, since when no foreign company was investing in Albania, he saw with foresight and decided to become part of the Albanian market.

Albania is a destination for the entire European market and we have tried to anticipate this development. By 2030 the plans are to deliver about 3 thousand keys, 3 thousand rooms which would be a positive response to the growing demand of tourism. I thank the team of builders, subcontractors and contractors of EDIL AL and Concord, the Melia group who, in cooperation with us, followed the work step by step.”

All the rapid development that Albania is experiencing in tourism in recent years also attracted the Spanish group “Melia”, which owns over 350 hotels in many countries of the world, to come and invest in our country, in cooperation with “Concord”. Investment”.


It should be underlined the fact that in the Albanian tourism industry, for the first time, a 5-star Hotel, MELIÃ Durrës, which is managed by an international brand well known around the world, “Meliá” Hotels International, will start operating.




“I remember the first time when I came to Albania and we shared the idea for this resort, for the establishment of such a resort of this quality in our country. I saw your passion for the work and for the sustainability of the project and the cooperation between people. You have my compliments.


I thank the Dulaku family for giving the opportunity to both the company and the country. We have been in this business for the past 68 years. We are one of the most listed companies and one of the largest in Europe and the world.


Melia is unique because from the beginning we offered what people wanted. We are doing a very good job in a wonderful country like Albania. You have a very nice place. Albania has a high standard of hospitality and this is one of the most sought after points in the whole world.”


Melia Durrës” significantly improves the tourism offer of Albania, which expects that this year, thanks to this international level investment, it will exceed the record figure of 7.5 million foreign tourists last year.



“The main protagonist that brought Melia to Albania is Blendi Klosi who is invited here as a fellow traveler of this project and who supports Artan and the Dulaku family, they worked to come to this day. This is an investment that speaks for itself, my long stop was when we did the inauguration that there was nothing here except Artan, Adi and a woman who had brought Melia here.


The long speech then was to keep the enthusiasm alive, but no one but us believed that what was shown in 3D would happen here. What is built is even more beautiful than what is presented in 3D.”


Melia Durrës”, the largest hotel in the region, offers 475 rooms for all tourists, relaxation facilities, entertainment spaces for children and adults as well as cuisine of various tastes, to experience a unique five-star experience on the Albanian coast.