Prime Minister Edi Rama – 📍TIRANA – New Industrial Park

“Tirana Industrial Park” is the implementation of an ambitious project, the first of its kind in Albania, which combines the concept of a logistics park with business administration, forming an Industrial Park. Now “Tirana Industrial Park” is a beautiful reality of Albanian companies with high standards, decent wages and employment opportunities for young people.
Prime Minister Rama visited today the new Industrial Park, where enterprises have exhibition facilities for their products, as well as storage facilities. The park prioritizes commercial activity by reducing costs and administrative procedures, and combines wholesale and retail.


“If you are going to survive in business today, there is no quality or no quality, if you do not pay a decent salary, understandably reasonable in the standards of our economy, but dignified, you will not be able to survive. None have survived. Salary is very important, we are very worried at this stage because the work has become very critical and you know very well that everyone is fighting for work. Albania cannot continue the race of who has the most enslaved employee, who exploits them the most and who has the lowest. It is not a competitive ability, the very cheap labor arm, the German takes it and you have no one left. Employees are the heart that circulates all the blood in the body”. – Edi Rama, Prime Minister of Albania.

“Tirana Industrial Park” is the first investment of its kind in Albania, where the concept of processing, distribution, logistics and business administration, product presentation and sales are combined. This Industrial Park is positioned next to the Rinas overpass and offers high quality industrial and storage facilities, where the area of ​​each unit varies from 900-1100 m2.


“Each silo is conceived from a show-room where the products and services of businesses that exercise their commercial activity in Tirana Industrial Park are exhibited, the administration offices and in the back, the storage environment where the complete work process is carried out. ” – Artan Dulaku, CEO of “Concord Investment”.


“Tirana Industrial Park” is a 100% Albanian investment made by the “Concord Investment” Group through the “Edil AL” Construction Company, which is one of the most well-known names in the construction industry, standing out for its constructions of the best quality in the tourism and real estate industry in Albania.


“Concord Investment” has successfully implemented various projects in both Shopping Centers and Residential Complexes, and is currently focused on introducing new concepts, increasing the standard of construction as well as the quality of life in the spaces where it invests.


Here it is worth mentioning the first 5-STAR Hotel on the Albanian coast “MELIA” in Durrës, the Resort “San Pietro” in Lalzi Bay, the Resort “San Nicolas” in Pala, Orikum Marina in Vlora and Saranda Marina as well as the first Shopping Center in Tirana “ETC”, Residential Complex “Don Bosko” (otherwise “Vizion Plus”), Shopping Center and Residential Complex “Kristal” also in Tirana, etc.