Tring funds the construction of a playground in front of Selman Stermasi Stadium

Tring has come up with a very pleasant surprise for the residents of the capital this morning. Children living at Sulejman Delvina St. in Borough 5 in the capital woke up to find out that a very nice surprise was in store for them. As of today, they will be able to have fun in the playground which has been built in front of Selman Stermasi Stadium. The little children will be able to take advantage of the different games that the playground has to offer. The playground was made possible by the Municipality of Tirana in association with Tring company and it includes different games, lighting and green areas.


Tirana mayor Erion Veliaj was present in the inauguration of the 18-th playground built in the capital stressing that the municipality has been focusing on transforming the city. Veliaj asked the residents of the capital to take good care of all the public works which serve the community, while guaranteeing that Tirana City Hall would go ahead with the construction of another 11 new playgrounds in different areas of the capital.

All the materials used for the construction of the playground in front of Selman Stermasi Stadium are certified according to EU standards, offering maximum safety for the children playing there.

The head of marketing at Tring, Elisa Mulgeci, who was also present in the inauguration, tells us why this company decided to cooperate with the municipality of Tirana in this project which focuses on children:

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We chose to collaborate with the Municipality of Tirana and target children in order to invest in their education. This is a 600 square meter playground and offers 7 game modules for all categories of children. This is one of the projects that Tring undertakes and through which it invests for the benefit of the community.

But this will not be the only project of a social nature that Tring company will support. During the summer season, Tring-Tring best animated characters will visit this playground which will offer amusement for many children.