“San Pietro” and “Quiet Lake”, residences that harmonize services with nature.

In the last three decades, Tirana has become the headline of the country’s economic development, but as in any other metropolis, it is going through the consequences of this transformation, with numerous constructions, a population that grows every year but also full of challenges to live healthily. and stress free….

The last two phenomena that hit the country, first the earthquake and now the pandemic, have influenced consumer behavior as well as the approach they have to living safely, in harmony with nature but away from the noise and daily stress that urban life offers.

Real estate agents in the country say that there is an increased demand to choose the outskirts of the metropolis. Farka Lake is one of the most favorite areas.

The focus of construction in this area is residences. One such is “Quiet Lake”, where the services are concentrated in a single environment, adapting to the demands of the customers.

These villas you are looking at belong to Lalzi Bay, one of the most beautiful coastal areas of the country. In this pandemic time, the phrase we have heard the most is social distancing.

This concept is best embodied in the comfortable and modern constructions offered by the San Pietro resort, the most sought-after area, due to its proximity to Tirana.

The geographical position of Lalzi Bay, very close to Tirana, Durrës and Rinas airport, is turning this area into a highly sought-after destination by citizens who are already choosing it to have their first residential home.

Buying a real estate in the suburbs or the coast will continue to be the safest investment for all those who want to live in harmony with nature.

 Burimi: Vizion Plus